Little Saplings Pre-school, Lawshall delivers quality pre-school education for children aged 2, 3 and 4 years.
Little Saplings Pre-school is situated in the village of Lawshall, near Bury St. Edmunds. We are located within the grounds of All Saints CEVC Primary School, Lawshall and are very fortunate to have both a purpose-designed building and a wonderful interactive garden for the children to use. The pre-school is a company in the form of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered on 04th December 2023.
The Pre-school is managed by an elected Board of Trustees with a broad range of skills and experience, which meets regularly to ensure that the pre-school is operating to its best ability. Parents are encouraged to become Trustees to assist with our fundraising activities.
The Governing Document of the Pre-school is its Constitution, a link to which is here within our Constitution and Policies.
Little Saplings is self-funding from the Government Funding Grant for Early Years Education and from fees charged for non-funded sessions. We also hold various fundraising events throughout the calendar year, which will be advertised on our social media sites and website.
As we are a charity we rely on fundraising and charitable donations to ensure that we provide an exceptional pre-school provision.
The Current Trustees
are as follows:
Carly Strause
Chair person
Sarah Klimowicz
Kelly Chapman
Ervin Xhafa
Ruth Chappell
Jacqueline Ward